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Hearty breakfast

Satisfy your culinary desires to the fullest. At MINOS boutique hotel we offer you a rich breakfast of quality and fresh products, Cretan or European style, depending on your preferences. Choose whatever your appetite craves between juices, coffees, cereals, muesli, fresh seasonal fruits, pastries, Greek yogurt, omelets, a variety of vegetables, cheeses and cold cuts. Vegetarian selection could not be missing from our menu. Try the Greek Basket that we make with a lot of love. It contains local traditional products and will give you a trip to everyone's favorite Greek flavors.

Snack bar

The MINOS boutique hotel also has a Snack bar throughout the day with hot dishes and quick meals. Enjoy salads, cold sandwiches and omelets with fresh local ingredients, yogurt with a variety of side dishes and of course unique fruit salads with seasonal fruits, all made with passion and love for you. Get what you like 10.00 - 22.00.

Drinks and beverages

In the evening we offer you a drink, beer, wine or a drink of your choice. Enjoy it by relaxing in the lobby of the MINOS boutique hotel or in your room. Alternatively, for lovers of reading, in the area of MINOS there are two libraries with a wide variety of books. Sit on the comfortable couch and get lost in the pages of your book with your drink or beverage.

Moments of relaxation

At MINOS boutique hotel you will find two lending libraries with a wide variety of options. Choose the book that suits you, sit comfortably in the lobby of our hotel and travel with the mind leaving behind the problems of everyday life.


per day

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Phone:+30 28320 91292

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Superior Double Sea View

Superior Double Sea View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

Double Mountain View

Double Mountain View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

Junior Suite Side Sea View

Junior Suite Side Sea View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

Ground Floor Superior Double Street VIew

Ground Floor Superior Double Street VIew BB NR

Persons 2
Official Website € 200 € 200
Hotelbeds € 200

Reasons why book direct

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