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Greek wedding
Greek wedding is the dream of every couple who loves Greece and the strong, intense moments. At MINOS boutique hotel we undertake for you the organization of a traditional Greek wedding that will be unforgettable.
Stone Theater of Daedalus and Icarus
The stone theater of Daedalus and Icarus is a favorite choice of visitors to Crete to seal their love.
The theater is built on the rock from which, according to Greek mythology, Daedalus and his son Icarus, who were chased by King Minos, managed to fly to freedom. Daedalus and Icarus used feathers glued with wax, which were made by Daedalus.
Restaurant & Menu
The staff of MINOS boutique hotel has prepared for you a list of the best restaurants in the area to choose the delicious menu that will accompany your most important day!
MINOS boutique hotel undertakes the decoration of your wedding. Our goal is for you to feel comfortable and have an unforgettable day. In collaboration with you, we design the decoration of the whole day, which will meet your style and desires.
Wedding hairstyle & make-up
MINOS boutique hotel arranges for you all the necessary procedures to be the most beautiful bride on this unique day. Leave yourself in the hands of experts and we promise you that the result will exceed your expectations.
After the ceremony, choose to celebrate the pleasant event with a Cretan wedding feast accompanied by live Cretan music or in any other way you wish.


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Phone:+30 28320 91292

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Superior Double Sea View Breakfast Included

Superior Double Sea View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

Superior Double Sea View Room Only

Double Mountain View Breakfast Included

Double Mountain View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

Double Mountain View Room Only

Junior Suite Side Sea View Breakfast Included

Junior Suite Side Sea View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

Junior Suite Side Sea View Room Only

Ground Floor Superior Double Street VIew BB

Ground Floor Superior Double Street VIew BB NR

Persons 2
Official Website € 200 € 200
Hotelbeds € 200

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