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Reasons why you should book direct:
Best Rate Guarantee
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At Minos Boutique Hotel we know our responsibility and our role towards the environment and our society. For this reason, we have an ecological consciousness in our daily services without, however, altering their quality.
We apply sustainable practices such as reducing waste, saving energy and water as well as supporting local products. It is important for us to support the local market, and we are lucky to live in such a blessed part of Crete, where there is an abundance of local products and goods.
We love that you start your day with a hearty breakfast, but we also love that no food is wasted. For this reason, we have implemented practices so that no food is sent to the trash. "Zero food waste".
The majority of the detergents we use for the daily hygiene of the countries are Eco friendly and we reduce the use of chemical substances as much as possible.
Recycling has always been important to us. our goal is to further reduce waste as well as carbon footprint in the near future.
At Minos Boutique Hotel we are proud of our Green Key award for our sustainable practices.
Our vision is to develop our ecological consciousness as much as possible so as to benefit our environment and hand over to the next generations a better future.


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Phone:+30 28320 91292

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Superior Double Sea View Breakfast Included

Superior Double Sea View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

Superior Double Sea View Room Only

Double Mountain View Breakfast Included

Double Mountain View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

Double Mountain View Room Only

Junior Suite Side Sea View Breakfast Included

Junior Suite Side Sea View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

Junior Suite Side Sea View Room Only

Ground Floor Superior Double Street VIew BB

Ground Floor Superior Double Street VIew BB NR

Persons 2
Official Website € 200 € 200
Hotelbeds € 200

Reasons why book direct

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