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The story of Agia Galini
The history of Agia Galini dates back to the time of Minoan Crete. In ancient times, Agia Galini was called Soulia. The name Soulia is directly connected with the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. Daedalus built the Labyrinth in which the Minotaur lived, and in the Labyrinth Minos imprisoned Daedalus himself and his son, Icarus. Daedalus and Icarus managed to escape and hid in the cave of Agia Galini. From there, they flew to their freedom wearing a feather glued with wax and feathers, which were made by Daedalus. Icarus disobeyed his father's advice not to fly near the sun, and so the candle melted, and Icarus fell into the sea, finding himself tragically dead. The part of the sea where Icarus fell was named Ikarios Pelagos.

Part of the charm of Agia Galini is the mystery that accompanies the origin of its name. The name Galini is very rarely used in Greece. The most prevalent theories are:

The name Agia Galini arose when the Byzantine Empress Evdokia, while traveling in her boat to the Holy Land, fell victim to a great storm and turbulence. Then Evdokia asked for the help of the Virgin Mary, promising that if she was saved from the raging waves she would build a church in her honor. Thus was built the church of Panagia Galini which today is located in the cemetery of the village.

The second theory wants the village to take its name from the Monastery of the Serene Christ that was built during the years of the spread of Christianity. The monastery is said to have been built on the temple of the goddess Artemis, which existed in Soulia.

According to the third theory, the name of Agia Galini came from the ancient Greek phrase "aei galini" which always means peace. And this is because the waters in the port of Agia Galini are always calm and peaceful.


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Junior Suite Side Sea View Breakfast Included Not Refundable

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Ground Floor Superior Double Street VIew BB

Ground Floor Superior Double Street VIew BB NR

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